1. What Quarantine measures should I take?
Back to Hong Kong from the Mainland China 👉👉👉 Return2hk Scheme (click here to learn more)
Return to Hong Kong from other places 👉👉👉Compulsory health quarantine arrangement
2. Details of Compulsory quarantine:
👉A confirmation letter in Chinese or English for booking a 14-day stay at a Hong Kong hotel must be provided to the HK Immigration
👉Staying hotel for not less than 14 days, the arrival date is regarded as the first day, please click here for hotel discounts
👉Compulsory quarantine at the hotel (no going out)
If you travel to Hong Kong from the following regions, additional documents are required: click here for documents
Very high risk areas (ie Bangladesh, Belgium, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States )
👉A test report in English or Chinese issued by a laboratory or healthcare institution bearing the name of the relevant traveller identical to that in his or her valid travel document to show that:
the relevant traveller underwent a nucleic acid test for COVID-19, the sample for which was taken from the relevant traveller within 72 hours before the scheduled time of departure of the specified aircraft;
the test conducted on the sample is a nucleic acid test for COVID-19; and
the result of the test is the relevant traveller was tested negative for COVID-19; and
👉If the relevant report is not in English or Chinese or does not contain all of the above information, a written confirmation in English or Chinese issued by the laboratory or healthcare institution bearing the name of the relevant traveller identical to that in his or her valid travel document and setting out all of the above information. The said written confirmation should be presented together with the test report; and;
👉Documentary proof in English or Chinese to show that the laboratory or healthcare institution is ISO 15189 accredited or is recognised or approved by the relevant authority of the government of the place in which the laboratory or healthcare institution is located; and
3. Upon entry...
👉Need to provide address of the hotel
👉Provide contact number
👉Wear the electronic bracelet provided by the government
4. Entry procedures
👉Persons entering Hong Kong International Airport must submit deep throat saliva samples to the temporary sample collection center located in the restricted area of the airport after arriving in Hong Kong. They must also wait for the COVID-19 test results at the designated location. (It takes more than a few hours)
👉Passengers who take early morning and morning flights to Hong Kong will collect deep throat saliva samples at the temporary sample collection center and will stay in the center to wait for the results. Passengers who arrive in Hong Kong in the afternoon or evening, because their testing will not be completed on the same day, the Department of Health will arrange for them to take a special bus to the waiting test results center in the hotel to wait for the test results and stay overnight.
👉 Generally speaking, you only need to stay at that hotel for one night, and after the test result is available the next day, you will be allowed to leave the hotel and return to your hotel immediately.
👉The Department of Health also requested that on the twelfth day of the quarantine period, a sample of deep throat saliva was collected for another virus test. The person concerned is required to collect the deep throat saliva samples by themselves according to the instructions, and then return the samples to one of the collection clinics on the morning of the collection day through their relatives and friends or the on- site sample delivery service .
5. Common problems:
a. I have a residence in Hong Kong. Can I quarantine at home instead of going to the hotel?
👉 From November 13, 2020, the quarantine location can only be a hotel. Those entering the country are required to show proof of hotel reservation records. Please refer to this page .
b. Can I be exempt from quarantine?
👉 air crew
👉 seacrew
👉Foreign consulates and agency personnel
👉Immigration from the Mainland or Macau via land ports
c. What should I do if I need to see a doctor?
Please call the 24-hour hotline provided by the Department of Health. (Provided by the airport)